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What If I have a question about attendance?

To report a student's absence on the same day, call the attendance office and Glenda Taylor at 817-744-3440.

If you arrive late or leave early for a doctor’s appointment, turn the doctor’s note in to the front office upon arrival or return to school. Accepted parent documentation of other absences during the current school year includes a written note, phone call, or email to the HMS Attendance Clerk or fax 817-744-3438.

If you received a phone call or email stating your student was absent, but he/she was at school:

  1. View the student’s attendance in Home Access Center (HAC) to determine the period(s) in question. This view is only available on a computer – smart phones will not allow you to see the specific class periods a student was marked absent.
  2. Students should pick up an Attendance Correction Form in the front office, have it signed, and return it to the attendance office,
  3. Or the teacher may be contacted by email for clarification, and corrections will be emailed to the attendance clerk.

What do I need to do if my child needs to leave early from school?

A parent or guardian must show his/her driver’s license EVERY time they pick up the student during the school day. Only parents/guardians and emergency contacts can pick students up. If you need to make changes to a student's information, please fill out the Student Information Update Form found in the main office or counseling office.

How do I request homework if my child is absent?

Please communicate with your teachers about your child’s absence(s) so s/he can make up their work. If you are absent for two full days you can put in a request before 8:30 am with the front office and you can pick up school work after 3:00 pm.